YES You Can Be Better Prepared to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones

After what happened on September 11th, 2001, it became obvious that our Government is not going to protect the average citizen.

On this day 2,996 Americans were killed but this was not the first time Billions of Dollars in Defense Spending FAILED to protect our nation. Many may recall something called Pearl Harbor in 1941 when 2,403 Americans died; records later revealed our government likely had advance warning of this attack.

Had you known about 911 in advance, you could have made the decision to avoid New York or not to fly on commercial airlines that day. The CEO's of every major company with offices in the World Trade Towers; were warned in advance not to go to the office that morning, they were in a meeting with Warren Buffet called in Nebraska, how convenient not a single CEO died in the towers.

It is scary to watch the Mainstream News, they have disaster-after-disaster, murder-after-murder, and a host of other disturbing stories. Many experts in fact claim that is Exactly What the News is Designed for, control over you by promoting fear.

First, to make you defendant upon Big Brother (the government) to protect you, even though they could care less about your safety. Second, to confuse and disorient you. Third and finally, to feed you disinformation which places you and your family in greater danger.

Remember the 1960's bomb drills in elementary schools, when the alarm sounds they told children to get under their desks? Did you know that children under a desk during a building collapse actually maximizes casualties? They were not only feeding children disinformation, they were training American children to place themselves in greater danger. Do you know the correct technique during an Earthquake according to first responders who search for survivors? Think about active-shooter-drills and barricading yourself in a class room, does it really increase safety or is it a method to gather more students in one corner to maximize casualties as sitting ducks?

Since 2001 we here at USAlerts have been working on ways to monitor "open source intelligence" and build a network of friendly contacts who feed information to us. Our main editor reviews each and every Alert, once it is collaborated by multiple sources or indicators; we publish it. Yes we have missed predictions but also we have hit predictions way before the information was seen on television.

We are a not-for-profit volunteer organization, our mission is to save lives with sound practical inexpensive information, there are many exciting features we have planned and in development including a phone app.