Civil War Remains a Possibility - Will You Be Ready When The Time Comes?
The secret plan to breakup the United States into Ten Regions, each controlled by a tyrannical appointed (non-elected) governor is talked about in this Video

The Threat of Communism in the USA, emerged perhaps with the 1917 Bolsheviks but was even more vocal in the 1940's and 1950's. Today the subject is becoming even more real as on May 21st, 2021- hundreds of former military officers released this letter warning of a Communist/Marxist threat to America.

We would say this is an over simplification as the ideology of pure Communism is less of a threat than some combination of-- Communism, Marxism, Socialism, and even Capitalism elements. In other words the super-rich will utilize any philosophy to take over the entire globe and implement a world government dictatorship.

Another philosophy that emerged in the 1930's was the term Technocracy. This was a theory that essentially combines "Communism with Advanced Technology" commonly known as a "Scientific Dictatorship." This generated the book "Brave New World" published in 1931 just after Technocracy emerged in 1930.

Technocracy also described "Technates" which are regional based governments such as the European Union and the North American Union; for this plan to take shape a merger of the USA, Canada, and Mexico means an end to our nation after civil war.

Certainly with the onset of COVID-19 we have witnessed an all powerful Technocracy like Government led by a non-elected Dr. Fauci; whereby those who control the "alleged science" are holding tyrannical power. Are they trying to use COVID to divide and conquer the USA into states that are Pro-Vax and Anti-Vax.

So many have recently observed well funded efforts to destabilize America by creating distrust in the courts, voting, our system of government, and the funding of radical elements inside the USA. This seems to be a similar strategy to how other countries were broken up to destroy national sovereignty and promote global government.

Civil war in America will be very chaotic and deadly. Understand that a Civil War in America is designed to provide a justification for a Foreign Invasion Troops disguised as "peace keeping" onto American soil. Such a manipulation will fool many of our citizens into welcoming foreign armies (the exact Plan Leaked by Henry Kissinger).

We should consider Civil War when creating emergency preparation plans. What you and your family would prep for under this type of emergency is different than a natural type disaster.